Arizona Custom Wood Designs

Custom Designed Wood Creations - We are No Longer In Business

SR-71 Wall Art

I have always had a fascination with the infamous SR-71. While browsing posters while searching for a gift I got inspired to make my own wall art based on the unique profile of this aircraft. This piece is 30 inches long, 11 inches high and weighed in around 13lbs.

Price $350.00

Contact me at to customize your colors and order yours. Deposit required.

I made the video and I did not like my narration. So I overlaid the Top Gun Anthem which seemed appropriate. (I do NOT own the rights to the music)

SR71, hand carved, SR-71, hand crafted, custom wall art, custom designed woodwork, custom carving, hand painted, wall decor, aircraft, spy plane
SR-71 Wall Art Completed

SR71, hand carved, SR-71, hand crafted, custom wall art, custom designed woodwork, custom carving, hand painted, wall decor, aircraft, spy plane
SR-71 Wall Art Completed

SR71, hand carved, SR-71, hand crafted, custom wall art, custom designed woodwork, custom carving, hand painted, wall decor, aircraft, spy plane
This is the second one made. Used different techniques to try and put a little texture to the surrounding corona. Put down a little white and blew it around with compressed air and then airbrushed the purple over the white. The purple, although deemed cool, was voted out by the customer.
SR71, hand carved, SR-71, hand crafted, custom wall art, custom designed woodwork, custom carving, hand painted, wall decor, aircraft, spy plane
First piece made, using airbrushed blue paint.

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