Arizona Custom Wood Designs

Custom Designed Wood Creations - We are No Longer In Business

Skull Table 2.0

The Skull Table customers were very  happy with their table I am happy to say.  So much so I have started carving another skull table.  Taking the lessons learned, I cut a master pattern to recreate the shape consistenly for future tables.  I also softened some of the hard angle and curves.  If you are reading this and are interested, this table is not spoken for.  It is still available to have it customized to what you want.  Contact me here

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Skull pattern and cut out

The new table is possibly getting an added new touch, sculpted human leg bones for the table legs.  They don’t look like much yet, partly because you can’t see the detail in the photos.

Custom Carved Legs, skeleton legs, shins, sculpted table legs

Custom Carved Legs


The 3D Skull Table got delivered on Christmas Eve.  I have to say, seeing the customer reactions was awesome!

3D skull table, skull coffee table, carved skull coffee table, carved coffee table, handcrafted coffee table, custom coffee table, custom handcrafted coffee table, skull sculpture table

The skull table in it’s new home.

And as you can see, it went to an avid collector.

3D skull table, skull coffee table, carved skull coffee table, carved coffee table, handcrafted coffee table, custom coffee table, custom handcrafted coffee table, skull sculpture table

The skull table in it’s new home.

3D skull table, skull coffee table, carved skull coffee table, carved coffee table, handcrafted coffee table, custom coffee table, custom handcrafted coffee table, skull sculpture table

The skull table in it’s new home.

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  1. Julianne July 20, 2020

    Hi ! I stumbled upon this link and FELL IN LOVE OH MY GOD. So, do you still make these tables? would love to know price and customization if possible? Thanks ! So great !

    • Elric41 August 6, 2020 — Post Author

      Hi Julianne, I think you emailed me directly. Let me know if still interested. Sorry I didn’t see this here until today. Not getting notifications for some reason. Anyway, yes I customize but I don’t know if I will be making legs like these anymore. Thanks for asking!

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