I have created a wide variety of decorative wall shelves using a scroll saw and some creative wood burning and a touch of paint sometimes.
I do so much custom work is has gotten hard to lay prices on each item. Please email me at mdf234@yahoo.com to get specific questions answered in regards to pricing. Shelves range in price anywhere from $30.00 to $65.00 depending on size, finish, and design. Always open to suggestions to make YOUR something special.

Laura April 5, 2016
Do you sell your items? What would you charge for the shelf? And is it possible to order the shelf at 48″ long?
And can you do humpback whales as well?
Elric41 April 5, 2016 — Post Author
Hi Laura, I will reply via email as well. Yes, almost everything you see is for sale/has been sold in the past. As part of re-doing my website I have not gotten all the pricing options placed yet. I can and have done shelves that long but unless you are local to the Phoenix area, shipping something like that may prove problematic. And I would be happy to come up with a humpback design for you. As for pricing, it varies a bit. The lower priced shelves like the Bear and the Dolphin usually go for about $25 plus shipping which is usually around $15 parcel post. The higher priced shelves like the End of the Trail or the Elk are around $60-$65 plus shipping, due to the time spent on the detail cutting and burning. Do you have a specific idea for a humpback image/pose? Thanks, Mike
Nichole April 21, 2016
Hello iam very interested in your dolphin shelf
Elric41 April 29, 2016 — Post Author
HI Nichole, sorry I was out of town. I have been remodelling my website. Until I decide how I will do ecommerce, I work with individuals via email and do payment through PayPal.
Thanks for looking and asking!
Nichole April 21, 2016
How do I go about buying one
Elric41 April 22, 2016 — Post Author
I sent you an email directly, thanks for asking
Melissa North-Esquivel June 21, 2016
I am very interested in getting a Dolphin shelf and a Horse Head shelf… How much for the both of them???
Elric41 June 21, 2016 — Post Author
Hello and thanks for writing! I will email you in addition to this reply, just in case. The dolphins, as they appear are $20.00 and the horses, as they appear, are $40.00. Shipping is $15 parcel post, everywhere in the lower 48 states. In this case I can probably fit both in the same box and save on shipping. We can work out payment through paypal, via email if you decide to purchase.
Michelle Lopez September 16, 2017
Interested in a wall shelf with owls about 30 inches long. Can you do it? If so, what would it cost?
Elric41 September 16, 2017 — Post Author
Hi Michelle, I will respond directly via email. Thanks for stopping, looking and asking!