It has come time to face facts for me. For those of you who don’t know or didn’t realize, I moved to Oregon pursuing a new job offer. You may have noticed that I have posted no new projects throughout 2024. While I had hoped I would be building/creating, the job offer was too good to pass up. Last April I accepted the job and moved. I still have the website because the domain is paid for through the end of the year and my business page on Facebook. Having just had my taxes done I was forced to declare the business aspect is dissolved. Even though I brought my shop tools with me, my present space is too small to set up. I will get back to it someday (hopefully sooner than later) but when I do, it will not be under this business banner. It could be something like “The artist formerly known as…….”
I’m still around and will let things sit as they are until I figure out what to do with it all. Until then, I will leave the site as is and treat it like a portfolio of my work over the years. But I will not be doing commercial business.